Saturday, April 28, 2012

Down to the Wire

Well I have only 2 days left to get everything packed and ready to go! I pick up the rental truck on monday and pack it, then Jordan and Cecy get here on tuesday and its time to play and then come home! I CAN"T WAIT!!!! The longer I'm here the more things I think of that I need to do and learn when I get back. Tonight I wrote a new song, I'm not sure if its any good, I'm gonna try it again in the morning and see what I think. lol It's about a sheep, but also about being different and love. Its interesting for sure. I sold my car on wed and have been blessed with an awesome roommate that lets me borrow her car, but its weird to not have my own car. :/ I know my posts aren't that exciting right now, but once I actually get started, it should get much better and there will be lots of pics! Well I better get to sleep so I can wake up and pack some more! 

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