Wednesday, July 11, 2012

numero dos

Today is day 2 of my one post a day "challenge" of sorts. Not a whole lot happened today, I'vefelt sick pretty much since Sunday so i slept a lort this morning and then deposited my check in the bank. I've been wanting to put together a double date with my friend danielle and i finally called and asked someone to go with me. I feel like i passed a milestone. i finally asked a guy on a date. Afterward i realized it was a lot easier than i anticipated. lol On a new note, i love to use big words or just words in general that aren't often used, so i think i need to get myself a giant dictionary and learn more words! also i have always wanted to have the entire set A-Z encyclopedias. wouldn't it just be fun to read about random things? just start with A and go from there! work kind of sucked today, but it definitely could have been a lot worse so that's good. tomorrow i think mom is gonna help me with some sewing. hopefully i can remember to take before pictures, cause as of yet, i keep forgetting!! i started altering a dress and i think it will be awesome but i wish i'd remembered the before picture so you could tell what i did :/ i've also thought of new areas of fashion i can get into and i'm pretty excited :D

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