Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Easter is a great Holiday, aside from the eggs and candy and commercial side, its a great day to remember the Lord! I just wish I had at least been able to go to church today.....I had to be to work at 10:45 and worked until 6. So I was exhausted when I got home and all I wanted was some homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and some corn.......well all my potatoes were rotten, and the only other option I had was hash browns, so I opted for hash browns and eggs instead.....sort of the who am I kidding! Nothing like what I actually wanted. lol To put the icing on the cake my roommate and I were discussing something and I was reminded of the movie, He's Just Not That Into You. Love that movie. She was talking about shy guys, and how they don't make a move cause they are too shy. Is that just a thing we, girls, tell ourselves? How do you tell whether he is shy or just plain not interested? Too bad there isn't a handbook that works for every single guy and girl, to tell you the secret code.
 Anyhow, I am getting tired of this working 7 days a week. I think every person everywhere should get one whole day off, where they have no plan and just fly by the seat of their pants and just do what they want! If I enjoyed what I did more, maybe I wouldn't mind it so bad. But standing in a cubby waiting for people to come and see me, constantly worried about someone watching me or having to entertain myself while trying to look busy, and sitting on the phone trying to get random people to give me their money, is not my cup of tea. I can't wait to be my own boss! I'll say "Like a BOSS!" like a real gangsta'.

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