Thursday, December 27, 2012
Here Goes Nothin'!
Wow has it been FOREVER! Well I am now working at a Uniform store fittingly called Uniformity :) I am applying for Pizza Hut because Pier 49 has closed and although I haven't purchased my business license, I am finally getting started! The name is Kelli's Uh?piphany. Get it? Cause you say "uh.......what can I do with this???" and I have an Epiphany! Genius I know. lol I just started a Facebook page about 2 minutes ago and I linked it to here so I figured I should probably update it!
Starting next week on the new year I will be doing something called Outfit Adventures! I will $20, no more, no less, and I will buy an entire outfit, shopping at thrift stores and sales racks. Mostly thrift stores. I will make videos and take pictures during the process and post them to the page. Also I will feature one item of clothing a week and show 7 different ways of wearing it, one for each day. I will be selling my jewelry and any clothes I get done on the page, and I will have a fun and thrifty outfit hopefully once a month. We will see, they will be harder.
I'm so excited to finally be motivated and get this thing started!
So Here Goes Nothin'!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
duck poop water and puppets
So my last post kind of sucked.....big ones. but what can you do?? it was 1 am and i was tired. lol
last night i finished a dress and redesigned a long sleeve button up. i think they both look pretty awesome! i don't have a picture of the dress but i have some pictures of the shirt, they aren't great, but they'll suffice. :) I'll try to get them posted tonight, but im too lazy to go upstairs so we'll see if my phone can do it :)
today i went to the paddle boats and had a lot of fun. i got covered in duck poop water and used muscles i don't normally but it was fun. We got milkshakes, a pineapple one and utter was delicious! i hope my lactose intolerance doesn't make me regret it lol i also saw the puppets today, it was so beautifully corny. it was fantastic. :)
now i have a headache and im tired but can't sleep. though I'll have a better go at it when i get off this ;)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
numero dos
Today is day 2 of my one post a day "challenge" of sorts. Not a whole lot happened today, I'vefelt sick pretty much since Sunday so i slept a lort this morning and then deposited my check in the bank.
I've been wanting to put together a double date with my friend danielle and i finally called and asked someone to go with me. I feel like i passed a milestone. i finally asked a guy on a date. Afterward i realized it was a lot easier than i anticipated. lol
On a new note, i love to use big words or just words in general that aren't often used, so i think i need to get myself a giant dictionary and learn more words! also i have always wanted to have the entire set A-Z encyclopedias. wouldn't it just be fun to read about random things? just start with A and go from there!
work kind of sucked today, but it definitely could have been a lot worse so that's good.
tomorrow i think mom is gonna help me with some sewing. hopefully i can remember to take before pictures, cause as of yet, i keep forgetting!! i started altering a dress and i think it will be awesome but i wish i'd remembered the before picture so you could tell what i did :/ i've also thought of new areas of fashion i can get into and i'm pretty excited :D
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Bubble Wrap and Music Sheets
Well lately I have been the biggest lazy bum of all the lazy bums when it comes to this blog! I just never know what to write about!
I guess I will start with some fashion. I am not joking at all with the story I am about to tell you.
I was at Pier 49 Pizza working the other day, when in walks a family of three. At first glance they seemed like just another normal family coming in for a nice dinner. As the dad steps around the mom I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor and pretend like I see a CAMO PRINTED KILT on a 45 yr old man, every day of my life. I mean, I can give people props for wearing kilts cause they arent very flattering, but a part of their culture. But they are supposed to be plaid right?? Not Camo! It was just aweful. Normally when I see someone wearing something odd, I say good for you, don't be afraid to be different. But sometimes I just have to say NO! no no no no No!
Which reminds me, I recently watched Captain America for the first time and said that same thing, but this wasn't a fashion emergency this time. How could they just let him go down in that ship and her never know that he was a live! What an awefully sad of an ending! I had to walk out of the room, pick up a big sharp knife and start making salsa, and I was still not appeased. lol
Speaking of watching things, I recently decided you can learn a lot of good advice from movies, also new words, perspective and ideas. So I've started to make a movie journal of sorts. Funniest part about this epiphany is that it happened during "I Love You Man" of all movies. Although, I should have expected it, Paul Rudd is in it, and he's awesome.
I was watching The teen drama Dawsons Creek for the last couple weeks and it taught me that the drama free way I chose to live my life is a very good choice. Also they use a lot of big words that you don't hear often so I learned some things there. lol The other show I've been watching is Supernatural and it is a rather good show. I was watching it in Arizona but my lovely roommate Jordyn didn't like it so the last week I stopped watching it, figuring I'd pick it back up when I got home. Which I didn't. lol Until it was brought up to me and I decided I really needed to finish it. So thats what I'm working on now, but I have a feeling its gonna take me a while...
In regards to my business, I still have been rather lazy, but I think I've been trying to rely on my mom too much. I mean she is the sewer and I tend to screw that part up. lol So I've decided I need to do what she did when she first learned. Which was to just start sewing and see how it goes from there!
I was informed of a contest being held at the Boise Art Museum for Fashion made from found objects and I seriously considered joining but I really have never done any fashion like that and I'd like to give it a pressure-less try first before I go entering any contests :/ lol So I have 2 possible dresses/shirts that I'm going to attempt, if for nothing else to have cool pics for my site and fun fashion art for my store when I get it :) I won't tell you what I'm doing, but if anybody has any paper mache(?) type recipes or something I could use like that please let me know! lets just say it has to do with paper, and I need some form of past or plaster to hold it all together, that I can sew through or make holes in to put ties.
On a completely unrelated note ;) If anybody has any bubble wrap, or old music or book pages lying around, I'd be glad to take 'em off your hands! Starting today I'm going to try to write every day. My goal is to make atleast one thing a day, whether it be clothes or jewelry or hair things :)
I guess I will start with some fashion. I am not joking at all with the story I am about to tell you.
I was at Pier 49 Pizza working the other day, when in walks a family of three. At first glance they seemed like just another normal family coming in for a nice dinner. As the dad steps around the mom I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor and pretend like I see a CAMO PRINTED KILT on a 45 yr old man, every day of my life. I mean, I can give people props for wearing kilts cause they arent very flattering, but a part of their culture. But they are supposed to be plaid right?? Not Camo! It was just aweful. Normally when I see someone wearing something odd, I say good for you, don't be afraid to be different. But sometimes I just have to say NO! no no no no No!
Which reminds me, I recently watched Captain America for the first time and said that same thing, but this wasn't a fashion emergency this time. How could they just let him go down in that ship and her never know that he was a live! What an awefully sad of an ending! I had to walk out of the room, pick up a big sharp knife and start making salsa, and I was still not appeased. lol
Speaking of watching things, I recently decided you can learn a lot of good advice from movies, also new words, perspective and ideas. So I've started to make a movie journal of sorts. Funniest part about this epiphany is that it happened during "I Love You Man" of all movies. Although, I should have expected it, Paul Rudd is in it, and he's awesome.
I was watching The teen drama Dawsons Creek for the last couple weeks and it taught me that the drama free way I chose to live my life is a very good choice. Also they use a lot of big words that you don't hear often so I learned some things there. lol The other show I've been watching is Supernatural and it is a rather good show. I was watching it in Arizona but my lovely roommate Jordyn didn't like it so the last week I stopped watching it, figuring I'd pick it back up when I got home. Which I didn't. lol Until it was brought up to me and I decided I really needed to finish it. So thats what I'm working on now, but I have a feeling its gonna take me a while...
In regards to my business, I still have been rather lazy, but I think I've been trying to rely on my mom too much. I mean she is the sewer and I tend to screw that part up. lol So I've decided I need to do what she did when she first learned. Which was to just start sewing and see how it goes from there!
I was informed of a contest being held at the Boise Art Museum for Fashion made from found objects and I seriously considered joining but I really have never done any fashion like that and I'd like to give it a pressure-less try first before I go entering any contests :/ lol So I have 2 possible dresses/shirts that I'm going to attempt, if for nothing else to have cool pics for my site and fun fashion art for my store when I get it :) I won't tell you what I'm doing, but if anybody has any paper mache(?) type recipes or something I could use like that please let me know! lets just say it has to do with paper, and I need some form of past or plaster to hold it all together, that I can sew through or make holes in to put ties.
On a completely unrelated note ;) If anybody has any bubble wrap, or old music or book pages lying around, I'd be glad to take 'em off your hands! Starting today I'm going to try to write every day. My goal is to make atleast one thing a day, whether it be clothes or jewelry or hair things :)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Blogging Is A Pain In My.....well you get the idea! I still have no idea how to work this site and when I want to do something it takes a million, trial and errors, before I get it right!
Well these past couple of weeks I went through maybe 1/10 of my moms sewing room and through her and my closets. I also got some clothes from my good friend Emily, and with the free time at the end of the night we sewed and sewed and sewed. Really didnt get that much stuff done because we need some thread and things we didn't have at the time.
So yesterday, I went to my friend Cecy's house and we took some things I sewed, some old stuff of my moms and some treasures I found at Goodwill, and I told her what to put on. We had a fun little photo studio in her backyard, with her dad grilling and laughing at her. lol It was a great time and we are definitely going to do it again! But today I went to upload the photos on hear and I couldn't find a gadget that would work right! I was so frustrated! I obviously figured it out eventually, but I'm not excited to do it again! lol
I hope you enjoy my creations and please give me feed back. Which one's your favorite? Is there something else you'd like to see? Would you buy one? How much would you be willing to pay? For me there is always a point on a dress, where I love it, until I see the price! Once I see that price, it just isn't that cute anymore. lol
Anyway hope you like 'em!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Perm smells and headaches
In case you were worried.....I'M NOT DEAD! I left AZ in my moving truck accompanied with Cecilia and Jordan and drove 18 hours straight, making it to Pocatello by 10:45 PM. We slept, unpacked the truck and drove the last stretch home, getting to Kuna at 3:30 PM. Needless to say, my knees were so stiff I could hardly walk. It was a long and stressful drive and I was glad to have it over! After I got home I spent the next week unpacking, packing, and organizing.
I also started my new job and traveled back to Utah for my cousins wedding. Of course while in Utah I got my first sun burn of the year! It hurt! Stupid summer. It was a beautiful wedding and it was a fun trip. Although I have technically had plenty of time to get all my unpacking and organizing isn't. lol I'm lazy sometimes. What can ya do?
I need to get my LLC and my DBA for my business done but I'm having second or third thoughts on my name selection.....if anybody has any ideas they want to throw at me....I wouldn't mind. Once I have that all squared away, I will start my website, then sell things at the flea market, consignment, and maybe join a few fairs or festivals if I can.
I really don't have a lot of stuff done, but I have lots to do and my mom and I are starting on it this week, while my dad is out of town. My dad being out of town is the perfect time, because I never sleep, and when my dad is gone my mom doesn't sleep so we can work together late into the night and not worry about waking up anyone. Except my brother, but again "what can ya do?" ha ha
I'm asking my sister, who is handy with a camera to help take pictures of the jewelry and things that I have done now, so that I can get some pics up for ya! :D
When I talk to people about my plans they tell me I'm brave or ambitious. I take the compliments and I like 'em, I mean who wouldn't? But let me tell you, I don't feel ambitious or brave, I feel a little scared, nervous, and a lot excited, and like I'm either digging myself a really deep hole or the way to china for a nice and happy vacation. I'm hoping for the second one. Metaphorically and literally... ;)
I don't know how this endeavor will work out but I hope for the best and try my hardest and maybe this wild dream will come true :)
Bahaha! I published this without even talking about what I titled it! Good thing there is an edit button! So last night was the first night my dad was gone and we had Jordan, Cecy, Breezy, and Danielle over. We did 3 Perms, 1 dye job and watched New years Eve and Son in Law while doing everyones hair. Needless to say, I had a giant headache last night and the house still reeks and I'm getting another headache. Time to open every single window in the house I think! If I pass out or die from all the chemicals, its guaranteed that Jordan or Cecy will get up at my funeral and say that it was karma for burning Breezy's head. Best friends...never let me forget anything....even when I'm dead. I love those stinkin jerks. :)
Bahaha! I published this without even talking about what I titled it! Good thing there is an edit button! So last night was the first night my dad was gone and we had Jordan, Cecy, Breezy, and Danielle over. We did 3 Perms, 1 dye job and watched New years Eve and Son in Law while doing everyones hair. Needless to say, I had a giant headache last night and the house still reeks and I'm getting another headache. Time to open every single window in the house I think! If I pass out or die from all the chemicals, its guaranteed that Jordan or Cecy will get up at my funeral and say that it was karma for burning Breezy's head. Best friends...never let me forget anything....even when I'm dead. I love those stinkin jerks. :)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Down to the Wire
Well I have only 2 days left to get everything packed and ready to go! I pick up the rental truck on monday and pack it, then Jordan and Cecy get here on tuesday and its time to play and then come home! I CAN"T WAIT!!!! The longer I'm here the more things I think of that I need to do and learn when I get back. Tonight I wrote a new song, I'm not sure if its any good, I'm gonna try it again in the morning and see what I think. lol It's about a sheep, but also about being different and love. Its interesting for sure. I sold my car on wed and have been blessed with an awesome roommate that lets me borrow her car, but its weird to not have my own car. :/ I know my posts aren't that exciting right now, but once I actually get started, it should get much better and there will be lots of pics! Well I better get to sleep so I can wake up and pack some more!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Been a while
I know it's been a while, but there hasn't been much new to say. lol I did have some issues with my eyes I was starting to get pretty worried about, but most of the worry inducing symptoms are gone, so I'm feeling pretty confident it was nothing. :)
I'm getting more and more excited to come home, but at the same time, as it gets closer, I'm getting pretty sad too! I will be working at Pier 49 Pizza, which is a sour dough pizza that is incredibly delicious! If you haven't tried it yet, you need to! I've decided that I need to learn to crochet and knit, so that will be something fun to learn when I get back. All the things I want to learn are starting to seem a little overwhelming, but as long as I remember it will take time, hopefully I won't get too discouraged!
For years and years I was plagued with wanting something to wear, but could not find it at any store! I was also too lazy to make it myself at the time. Have you ever felt that way?? If so, let me know! I will make it! This is for men and women. Even if its just a general idea or theme of something that you want! I do take requests :) You can either comment here or on my facebook!
I'm getting more and more excited to come home, but at the same time, as it gets closer, I'm getting pretty sad too! I will be working at Pier 49 Pizza, which is a sour dough pizza that is incredibly delicious! If you haven't tried it yet, you need to! I've decided that I need to learn to crochet and knit, so that will be something fun to learn when I get back. All the things I want to learn are starting to seem a little overwhelming, but as long as I remember it will take time, hopefully I won't get too discouraged!
For years and years I was plagued with wanting something to wear, but could not find it at any store! I was also too lazy to make it myself at the time. Have you ever felt that way?? If so, let me know! I will make it! This is for men and women. Even if its just a general idea or theme of something that you want! I do take requests :) You can either comment here or on my facebook!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!
Easter is a great Holiday, aside from the eggs and candy and commercial side, its a great day to remember the Lord! I just wish I had at least been able to go to church today.....I had to be to work at 10:45 and worked until 6. So I was exhausted when I got home and all I wanted was some homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and some corn.......well all my potatoes were rotten, and the only other option I had was hash browns, so I opted for hash browns and eggs instead.....sort of the who am I kidding! Nothing like what I actually wanted. lol To put the icing on the cake my roommate and I were discussing something and I was reminded of the movie, He's Just Not That Into You. Love that movie. She was talking about shy guys, and how they don't make a move cause they are too shy. Is that just a thing we, girls, tell ourselves? How do you tell whether he is shy or just plain not interested? Too bad there isn't a handbook that works for every single guy and girl, to tell you the secret code.
Anyhow, I am getting tired of this working 7 days a week. I think every person everywhere should get one whole day off, where they have no plan and just fly by the seat of their pants and just do what they want! If I enjoyed what I did more, maybe I wouldn't mind it so bad. But standing in a cubby waiting for people to come and see me, constantly worried about someone watching me or having to entertain myself while trying to look busy, and sitting on the phone trying to get random people to give me their money, is not my cup of tea. I can't wait to be my own boss! I'll say "Like a BOSS!" like a real gangsta'.
Anyhow, I am getting tired of this working 7 days a week. I think every person everywhere should get one whole day off, where they have no plan and just fly by the seat of their pants and just do what they want! If I enjoyed what I did more, maybe I wouldn't mind it so bad. But standing in a cubby waiting for people to come and see me, constantly worried about someone watching me or having to entertain myself while trying to look busy, and sitting on the phone trying to get random people to give me their money, is not my cup of tea. I can't wait to be my own boss! I'll say "Like a BOSS!" like a real gangsta'.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
American Pickers
Lately I have been watching a lot of American Pickers. I want to do that so bad! It's like a treasure hunt every day! With the last few weeks of work and all the excitement for going home, the next month is going to take forever.
Aside from the excitement for starting my new life, I am so excited to get back together with old friends! I have been trying to plan the move home. My friends Cecilia and Jordan are coming to ride home with me and its gong to be legen-wait for it-dary! They are getting here on a Tuesday and I want to have a party that night, that includes some awesome long boarding(I plan to learn some cool tricks). Then Wed is the day to get the moving truck and pack it up. Early Thursday morning we will hook my car up on the dolly and head out. We plan to stop in Sedona at the Slide Rock State Park and play, then head toward Utah from there. We gotta go through Logan and get some squeaky cheese and either stay with someone there for the night or head into Idaho and stay in Pocatello or somewhere near there. Friday we will head to Rexberg and visit some friends and family. Lastly head home, probably stop at some cool Idaho places on the way home too :) It will be the best road trip ever! The 3 of us back together again driving across the US and having a grand old time! Can we make the 30th come much faster please???? Oh and if anyone reads this and has a place for us to stay somewhere along the way on Thursday the 3rd of May, that would be amazing!
Thanks Guys!
Aside from the excitement for starting my new life, I am so excited to get back together with old friends! I have been trying to plan the move home. My friends Cecilia and Jordan are coming to ride home with me and its gong to be legen-wait for it-dary! They are getting here on a Tuesday and I want to have a party that night, that includes some awesome long boarding(I plan to learn some cool tricks). Then Wed is the day to get the moving truck and pack it up. Early Thursday morning we will hook my car up on the dolly and head out. We plan to stop in Sedona at the Slide Rock State Park and play, then head toward Utah from there. We gotta go through Logan and get some squeaky cheese and either stay with someone there for the night or head into Idaho and stay in Pocatello or somewhere near there. Friday we will head to Rexberg and visit some friends and family. Lastly head home, probably stop at some cool Idaho places on the way home too :) It will be the best road trip ever! The 3 of us back together again driving across the US and having a grand old time! Can we make the 30th come much faster please???? Oh and if anyone reads this and has a place for us to stay somewhere along the way on Thursday the 3rd of May, that would be amazing!
Thanks Guys!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
2 weeks notice
well friends, I told Sears that I will be leaving and gave my 2 weeks notice. Apparently i need to take a written notice to our HR manager, so I'm going to do that tomorrow. I'm getting more and more excited every day to come home! The other day I came up with some new ideas for clothes that is going to be pretty freaking awesome! Also as soon as I get home I would love to take any clothed people need to get rid of off their hands. If you ever have clothes you dont really wear anymore but dont want to get rid of, bring them to me! If there is nothing I can do with it, I give it back free of charge, if I do come up with something I'll tell you my idea. If you like it, I will make said thing out of your item! If you're like me, you hate getting rid of clothes, so upcycling is great for those out of style or just plain old clothes! also, old jewelry, buttons, and beads are also great! pretty much anything you get rid of, run it by me first, better to be reused rather than thrown in the dump!
Everyone should check out Pier 49 Pizza in Meridian ID on Overland! It is the best pizza ever!
Everyone should check out Pier 49 Pizza in Meridian ID on Overland! It is the best pizza ever!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Well, needless to say, I'm still trying to figure this blogger stuff out. I'm trying to find a page that suits me and its just not coming together! So I'm sure it will change again soon, I cant find the right text color to match my background. If anyone has suggestions, send 'em my way! Today was general conference and I think I need to visit my family more often, I was so busy talking and catching up, I missed a lot of the talks! ha ha guess I'll have to read them later, I heard there were some good ones. Most of the posts I've seen on it, have been about judging. That's a good thing, cause I think we get dogged a lot as Mormons for the judging thing. I also spent a good part of conference braiding/weaving headbands out of old t-shirts with my cousins. It was pretty fun! I've decided I need to do more crafts than I do. I made a flower headband last night and an extra fabric flower, but I don't know what I will do with that yet......
These are my projects from the last few days 1. 4 headbands and 2 bracelets that I made today. 2. the same headbands close up so you can see the weave. 3. The flower headband I made last night, I experimented with burning the edges, it worked all right, I like the look. 4. A pair of earrings I made forever ago. Best part is the fish came out of a quarter machine and they are squishy! :) 5. The other fabric flower I made and haven't used yet......

All in all today was a great day, but this weekend I made salsa and did crafts in the living room, so I need to go and clean this place up before my roomie gets home from St. George tonight! ;)
Friday, March 30, 2012
I noticed someone voted "depends". If you do vote that and wouldn't mind explaining in a comment on this post that would be amazing!
Thank you!
Thank you!
So I don't really know how often you are supposed to write on your blogs, since this is the first one I've ever done and I've never even really read a blog before. I still have no idea how to work most of the stuff on here, but I guess in time this will come together. I realized that this blog is all about making my dreams a reality, but I never really went into what those dreams are"here goes nothin'".
I'm setting myself a 10 year career goal, although I honestly hope I pull it together quicker than that. Ten years feels like an awful long time! Starting when I get home, I will be creating a business, to sell my jewelry and my fashion designs. I will create a website and sell things online and through consignment and at booths until I have enough product, knowledge, money, and clientele to open at a shop. At that time I will find a place similar to this
or this
and open the perfect little shop, with a cafe with patio seating, and everything else my little brain can cook up. If it turns out the way I hope, it will be a place where people just love to go, a place where they feel at home and where I'm friends with all my clients. Of course that's just a general explanation, but I don't want to give too much away. ;)
I'm so excited for the end result and remind myself every day not to get ahead of myself so I can focus on the day to day. The first thing I will need to do is set up my business license and make sure the name isn't being used already. Then I need to learn to sew. lol Its something I have planned to learn for ages now, but if I'm going to start a business including fashion design, I really need to get to it!
My main concern was knowing where I would be able to sell my things consignment and still have a little control over what happens to my items. Then last night I got a call from my good friend David. He said that he had been buying things to sell and was opening a booth at an antique type mall and asked if I would want to sell my things there! It was so perfect! I can't wait to go home and put everything together and get to work. For the next few weeks, I will keep myself focused on what I can do while I'm still here in Mesa, which is make more jewelry. I mean, I can't sell what I don't have right?
I'm setting myself a 10 year career goal, although I honestly hope I pull it together quicker than that. Ten years feels like an awful long time! Starting when I get home, I will be creating a business, to sell my jewelry and my fashion designs. I will create a website and sell things online and through consignment and at booths until I have enough product, knowledge, money, and clientele to open at a shop. At that time I will find a place similar to this
or this
and open the perfect little shop, with a cafe with patio seating, and everything else my little brain can cook up. If it turns out the way I hope, it will be a place where people just love to go, a place where they feel at home and where I'm friends with all my clients. Of course that's just a general explanation, but I don't want to give too much away. ;)
I'm so excited for the end result and remind myself every day not to get ahead of myself so I can focus on the day to day. The first thing I will need to do is set up my business license and make sure the name isn't being used already. Then I need to learn to sew. lol Its something I have planned to learn for ages now, but if I'm going to start a business including fashion design, I really need to get to it!
My main concern was knowing where I would be able to sell my things consignment and still have a little control over what happens to my items. Then last night I got a call from my good friend David. He said that he had been buying things to sell and was opening a booth at an antique type mall and asked if I would want to sell my things there! It was so perfect! I can't wait to go home and put everything together and get to work. For the next few weeks, I will keep myself focused on what I can do while I'm still here in Mesa, which is make more jewelry. I mean, I can't sell what I don't have right?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Hit the Deck Running
My name is Kelli, I'm 22 years old and I figure it's about time I get started on life. Just 9 months and 5 days ago, on June 24th 2011 I packed my car and left my hometown and parents house to move to Mesa, AZ. With only what would fit in my 1995 Hyundai Accent I moved into a house with my cousin and his 4 roommates. They were kind enough to let me stay for free and even give me a twin mattress to sleep on while I tried for a month to get a job. I finally got a job at Circulation Technicians Inc. as a newspaper sales person and collector. Soon after that I also got a job at Sears selling Fine Jewelry. Once I knew I'd have enough money to pay rent I moved in with a girl named Jordyn Parry. Which is rather funny because my best friend of 10 years now is Jordan Perry! I know, weird. I've lived with Jordyn now for a while and I have been having a real blast here in AZ. But as much as I love partying all the time, having bonfires, and just having fun with my friends, I am accomplishing absolutely nothing here. Before I came here I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I spent a lot of my time here trying to figure that out. Recently I decided to return to Boise and start on making my dreams come true. Although my dreams have changed many times there has always been one constant. I have always wanted to make jewelry, clothes, and hair things, and to sell antiques. Actually doing these things has always seemed like a dream too big for a small town Idaho girl like me, and although I will get those feelings many times over the next few years, I know I will always have my friends and family there to lift me back up. For example, today, Jordan sent me a text and said "I feel like if you work hard enough, you will be more than you can possibly imagine". It was incredibly sweet of her, but awful, because I was at work and it made me cry! I just have to remember that I can do anything I want to do, if I'm willing to work hard enough to get it. So today is the start of my long journey of starting a business, and eventually owning a shop with everything I ever wanted. Its time to leave this world of lazy fun and, in the words of Extreme "Exit this building to the left, and hit the deck running".
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