Today was straight up weird.
On an average Wednesday, I roll into work late, work a few hours and then head straight to my second job, to work another hours. After that I go home and then right now I have Community Christmas Choir and then movie time.
Well today started off exactly like every other Wednesday. I rolled lazily out of bed and rushed out the door to arrive at my job, 30 min late. I should point out that this isn't an issue, me getting there late, because I am making the days numbers better by shaving half an hour off my shift. Also, I always get everything done on time.
So, I arrived a half hour late to see a car in the parking lot. This isn't the first time this has happened, although it is the first time that there has been a car in the parking lot close to the store. When I got close I soon realized that lights were already on. Like I said "weird".
I go inside and it turns out I wasn't scheduled today. Or this week at all for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but my boss just had her baby and the person now making the schedule must not know that I work every Wednesday. Anyhow, yes it was weird, but it was also great!
I left work and I went straight to my chiropractor and good friend Dr. Callis for a jaw treatment. After that I went home, did some laundry, tried to apply for FAFSA, and watched a little Dexter.
Apparently I was having a late day, because I got out the door late and to my job late again that afternoon. Work was normal not busy but busy enough that we made our sales goal, so it wasn't too bad at all.
This is where the weirdest part comes in.
I finally rolled into Choir, again about 5 min late, and went and sat down next to my choir buddy. I am ashamed to say that I don't remember his first name, but his last is Brown. I sat next to and shared music with him last week along with his young daughter, who is about 8 or 9. He is a Bass singer and he has another daughter that is a year older than me. Anyhow, during the practice he told me that I have a very good and clear soprano voice and that I better not sit anywhere else. I thanked him for the compliment and we went on practicing. Luke Lords talked to us about listening to the CD's when not at practice but I don't have one so Mr. Brown said that he would copy his for me and get it to me this week.
After practice he gave me his original music folder(he had temporarily copied the music for practice). The most amazing part of the day happens right here.
Prologue: Earlier this evening while at work I had become overwhelmed with feelings of panic and anxiety and just plain fear. I fell to my knees and I prayed to Heavenly Father to please help me to be patient and to be strong and to know what to do.
As he handed me the folder he said. "You really do have a lovely voice. You know, I want you to promise me something. Don't settle. Be patient and wait for the right guy to come along. A guy who tells you how beautiful your voice is and how beautiful you are, every day. Just don't settle. My daughter did and it has been a real struggle for her. So be patient and wait for the right person."
I was overwhelmed with kindness for this man. To be willing to be an instrument in the Lords hands to answer my prayers and tell me everything that I needed to hear, was almost more than I could handle. I barely made it out the door and around the corner before I started to cry with gratitude.
So often I wonder whether I set my standards too high, whether I overlook someone who is showing obvious interest because I just don't feel that...for lack of a better term....that spark. That spark that seems to only exist in movies and in guys that seem to have no interest. That spark that is most likely in my mind and not in my heart. Am I just using all these things as an excuse to not have to get close to someone, even though that's all that I want? I wonder, should I try to make it work? Could I learn to love this person, solely because they do or want to love me? Are the fairy tale's and stories of love at first sight, romance, and requited love, one in a million? Are my prayers really heard? And will I receive an answer?
I feel as though in this one pep talk from a stranger I had every one of these answered. As though a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I knew everything would be ok. I just need to be patient. To wait and in time, I will find the love that I long for and deserve.
There is that word, time, again. Since my previous post on time, I have had time on my mind. Time is forever. Time is never changing. Time is numbers. Time is Relative. And time is always changing. Time is so many things all at once. It's the one thing you can count on and the thing that you dread. It's the moments with your loved ones that you want to keep forever and the heartache and laughter that cause the wrinkles on your face. It's the risks you take and chances you overlooked. The gray streaks in your hair and the scars on your skin. Time is your best friend and your worst enemy.
Man am I Feeling Weird
Your Friend,