Friday, March 30, 2012


I noticed someone voted "depends". If you do vote that and wouldn't mind explaining in a comment on this post that would be amazing!

Thank you!


   So I don't really know how often you are supposed to write on your blogs, since this is the first one I've ever done and I've never even really read a blog before. I still have no idea how to work most of the stuff on here, but I guess in time this will come together. I realized that this blog is all about making my dreams a reality, but I never really went into what those dreams are"here goes nothin'". 
  I'm setting myself a 10 year career goal, although I honestly hope I pull it together quicker than that. Ten years feels like an awful long time! Starting when I get home, I will be creating a business, to sell my jewelry and my fashion designs. I will create a website and sell things online and through consignment and at booths until I have enough product, knowledge, money, and clientele to open at a shop. At that time I will find a place similar to this 
or this
and open the perfect little shop, with a cafe with patio seating, and everything else my little brain can cook up. If it turns out the way I hope, it will be a place where people just love to go, a place where they feel at home and where I'm friends with all my clients. Of course that's just a general explanation, but I don't want to give too much away. ;)
    I'm so excited for the end result and remind myself every day not to get ahead of myself so I can focus on the day to day. The first thing I will need to do is set up my business license and make sure the name isn't being used already. Then I need to learn to sew. lol Its something I have planned to learn for ages now, but if I'm going to start a business including fashion design, I really need to get to it!
  My main concern was knowing where I would be able to sell my things consignment and still have a little control over what happens to my items. Then last night I got a call from my good friend David. He said that he had been buying things to sell and was opening a booth at an antique type mall and asked if I would want to sell my things there! It was so perfect! I can't wait to go home and put everything together and get to work. For the next few weeks, I will keep myself focused on what I can do while I'm still here in Mesa, which is make more jewelry. I mean, I can't sell what I don't have right? 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hit the Deck Running

My name is Kelli, I'm 22 years old and I figure it's about time I get started on life. Just 9 months and 5 days ago, on June 24th 2011 I packed my car and left my hometown and parents house to move to Mesa, AZ. With only what would fit in my 1995 Hyundai Accent I moved into a house with my cousin and his 4 roommates. They were kind enough to let me stay for free and even give me a twin mattress to sleep on while I tried for a month to get a job. I finally got a job at Circulation Technicians Inc. as a newspaper sales person and collector. Soon after that I also got a job at Sears selling Fine Jewelry. Once I knew I'd have enough money to pay rent I moved in with a girl named Jordyn Parry. Which is rather funny because my best friend of 10 years now is Jordan Perry! I know, weird. I've lived with Jordyn now for a while and I have been having a real blast here in AZ. But as much as I love partying all the time, having bonfires, and just having fun with my friends, I am accomplishing absolutely nothing here. Before I came here I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I spent a lot of my time here trying to figure that out. Recently I decided to return to Boise and start on making my dreams come true. Although my dreams have changed many times there has always been one constant. I have always wanted to make jewelry, clothes, and hair things, and to sell antiques. Actually doing these things has always seemed like a dream too big for a small town Idaho girl like me, and although I will get those feelings many times over the next few years, I know I will always have my friends and family there to lift me back up. For example, today, Jordan sent me a text and said "I feel like if you work hard enough, you will be more than you can possibly imagine". It was incredibly sweet of her, but awful, because I was at work and it made me cry! I just have to remember that I can do anything I want to do, if I'm willing to work hard enough to get it. So today is the start of my long journey of starting a business, and eventually owning a shop with everything I ever wanted. Its time to leave this world of lazy fun and, in the words of Extreme "Exit this building to the left, and hit the deck running".